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Tuesday 30 December 2014

Best Foods For Improving Overall Health

As we age, our bodies become more vulnerable and cells less resistant to ills and ‘free radicals’ that damage the DNA. According to studies however, eating healthy food in moderation will improve the overall body functions and longevity. The following are some of the best foods that will help in improving overall health.

      I.            Oatmeal and Flax seeds

When it comes to cholesterol, oats rush it out of your system making it a very important and good meal for your health.
Oats can be eaten as cereals with milk and sprays of brown sugar and little amounts of butter. Sometimes adding blueberries is recommended by nutritionists for anti-oxidation.
When cooked with raisins, they contain phytochemicals like those in red wine. Oatmeal can also be used in meatloaves and casseroles.
With lower cholesterol levels and high fibre content, flax seeds are essential for prevention of constipation. They contain poly-phenol compounds that protects against cancer, oil that helps creaky joints and omega-3 fatty acids.
Preparation of flax seeds is simple as they are grinded in a normal coffee grinder, then a table spoonful sprinkled on cereals or in meatloaf. It is also advisable to eat them as seeds.
Flax seeds should be kept cold in a fridge to prevent them going rancid and should neither be heat nor put into baked foods.

   II.            Olive oil

As in tea, olive oil contains polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. According to research and statistics, breast and colon cancer is less likely to attack people who consume olive oil unlike their counterparts who don’t.
Regarded as ‘good’ oil, it does not clog on blood vessels, does not increase cholesterol levels and is not associated with heart diseases.
Olive oil can be used together with leafy, dark-green vegetables or can be mixed with balsamic vinegar and applied on fresh bread. Consequently, it can be mixed with thyme, applied on asparagus and oven cooked for around twenty minutes at 400 degrees.

III.            White/Green Tea

Substituting green tea with soft drinks e.g. soda is considered a life saver. It has a whole range of benefits from upping body anti-oxidant levels to boosting metabolism thus helping your body to burn off food.
Green tea can be brewed from leaves with peppermint tea bags and green teabags used together for desired flavor. It is also rich in polyphenols which is a free radical fighter.
White tea, brewed from silvery-white buds of Camellia sinensis, is very essential for boosting the working mechanisms of disease fighting flavonoids. If the leaves of Camellia sinensis are withered and heated, they form a different type of tea.

IV.            Grains

Nutritionists’ advice on consumption of whole grain bread since it is rich in fibers and complex carbohydrates. It is important to choose bread whose first ingredient reads “whole”e.g.‘whole grain bread’, “whole wheat flour” or even “whole white flour” since they are enriched with important nutrients and fibers.
Rich bakery foods like muffins and doughnuts contain high fat calories and are therefore not advisable.
Consider the following tabular representation;
instead of the following foodstry the following healthy foods
Biscuits and white breadWhole grain bread and wheat or pumpernickel
Scones and pastries, Sugar cerealswhole grain bagels, whole-grain cereal
buttered popcornunbuttered popcorn
White pasta, tortillas (fried)Whole-wheat pasta, whole wheat tortillas
White rice, white flourBrown rice, whole-wheat flour

   V.            Broccoli, Fruits and Vegetables

Broccoli is rich in both vitamin K and C essential for bone building and cancer prevention. By microwaving, more than 90% of vitamin C in Broccoli is preserved unlike Steaming that preserves only 60%
Like broccoli, fruits also contain vitamin C that strengthens bones, improves on "good" HDL cholesterol and inhibits growth of cancer cells by Citrus flavonoids usually in lemons. Citrus also acts as an anti-inflammatory and when added to green tea, it increases the body ability to absorb antioxidants
Fruits e.g. avocados contain healthy fat, and folate which reduces the risk of heart diseases.
Vegetables, with lutein and zeaxanthin boost the immune system and improve on eyes health. They are also vital for cancer fighting and prevention.
Broccoli, Fruits and Vegetables being naturally low fat foods, are rich in fibers and minerals. They are also essential for adding flavor to various diets.
Consider the following tabular representation;
instead of the following foodstry the following healthy foods
Fried vegetables, creamed vegetablesRaw, steamed vegetables, with little amounts of olive oil
Potato chips, French friesSweet potatoes, red potatoes (are rich in starch, contain Vitamin A and cell building folate)
coconutsFresh fruits (rich in vitamin C)

VI.            Dark Chocolate and Dairy products

It has been established that when a quarter of an ounce of dark chocolate is taken daily, it reduces blood pressure in healthy individuals. This is because of its cocoa powder which contains flavonoids and antioxidants which reduce "bad" LDL and increase "good" levels of HDL
On Dairy products’ front, Nutritionists encourage on the use of low-fat products e.g. low fat butter milk instead of cream for soups and recipes. Also low fat cheese is recommended for cooking. For desserts, try mix low fat yogurt with fruits.
Consider the following tabular representation;
Instead of the following Dairy ProductTry
Regular cream cheese/ice cream/cottage cheeseLow-fat cream cheese/ice cream/cottage cheese
Whole milk, Evaporated milk, Regular buttermilk, whole milk YogurtNon-fat milk, Evaporated milk (non-fat), Buttermilk (non-fat), low-fat yogurt
Regular cheeseLow-fat cheese/ processed cheese/soy cheese/natural cheese

VII.            Cross-over foods and Animal proteins (poultry, fish, meat)

Cross-over foods are basically vegetable proteins/Plant legumes; beans, lentils and peas. They are rich in proteins essential for body building and have high fibre content without cholesterol. According to research and statistics, they have been found to lower the risk of breast cancer and heart diseases by up to 25%
Darker beans or very black beans contain more antioxidants compared to less dark ones.
With animal proteins-poultry, remove the fatty skin and consider chicken breast as it contains high proteins and lower fat content.
Fresh fish, so long as it is steamed, baked, broiled or poached is always a healthy meal. Most seafood contain polyunsaturated fat and Omega-3 fatty acids which are essential in lowering heart disease risks
For a healthy meal, beef should be broiled, baked or roasted with fresh vegetables or herbs used for seasoning.
Consider the following tabular representation;
instead of the following foodstry the following healthy foods
Pork and bacon, Regular ground beefLean pork and turkey bacon, extra-lean ground beef/ ground chicken
Regular hot dogs/sausageFat-free hot dogs/turkey dogs
breaded fish sticks and marbled cutsfresh, frozen fish and lean beef

VIII.            Garlic, Salmon and walnuts

Garlic, when added to salads increases the ability of the body to absorb nutrients like beta-carotene. It fights diseases and prevents growth of bacteria e.g. E-coli.
It also contains Allicin which is an anti-inflammatory and lowers both blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Crush and add it to food but don’t overcook as it will lose essential nutrients.
Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for reducing depression, cancer and heart diseases. Niacin which protects against memory loss and Alzheimer's disease is also contained in salmon
Omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts reduce cholesterol, fight cancer and improve mood. They also protect against sun damages and regulate sleep due to their antioxidant melatonin. Walnuts can be eaten as desserts

IX.            Fats/Oils and Sweets

A lot of fatty foods increase body calories leading to obesity and increased health risk factors e.g. diabetes, heart diseases, coronary artery diseases and cancer among others.
Consequently, too much sweetened drinks e.g. fruit juices, sports drinks and regular soft drinks add unnecessary calories and sugars to diet. It is important to substitute this with natural water so as to keep your body hydrated.
Consider the following tabular representation;
instead of the following;Try;
Using fat/butter to grease panNon-stick cooking spray
Butter/margarineOlive/soybean/peanut butter
Cookies, Regular salad dressingmolasses cookies, light salad dressing
Always consider natural butter from peanuts a good alternative to margarine as it has been established to be good against heart diseases and diabetes.
To conclude, different people require different calorie intake depending on age and activity levels. Always eat healthy meals depending on individual calorie requirement. Also, combine healthy meals with exercising so as to improve on the general body functions. Remember, there is no perfect single food; your body will always need variety.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Does 5 HTP Help To Improve Mood


5-htp also called 5-hydroxytryptophan is a natural substance obtained from seeds pod of an African medicinal plant called Griffoniasimplicifolia. In humans, it converts directly into serotonin which is responsible for a lot of body functions i.e. memory, learning, sleeping, mood, regulation of temperature, cardiovascular functions, sexual behaviour, endocrine regulation, muscle contraction and temperature regulation among others.
The body production of serotonin drops with increase in age. Serotonin production can further be compromised by high stress levels, anxiety and depression. Leading to a diminished quality of life which can still be restored by 5-htp.
The increased supply of two raw materials i.e. L-tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), will aid in more production of chemical compound 5-HTP in the body for production of serotonin, a very important hormone for mood regulation.
Apart from restoration of serotonin production, 5-htp also helps improve on; pain thresholds, depression and anxiety, migraines and severe headaches, insomnia, weight loss and Fibromyalgia among others

Understanding the functioning of 5-HTP

In the body, 5-HTP is naturally produced from tryptophan then converted to serotonin, a neurotransmitter with lots of powerful effects on the brain.
According to research, it is advisable to take 5-HTP instead of Serotonin supplements since 5-HTP has been found to easily accesses the brain from the bloodstream unlike serotonin which does not have access to brain barriers.

How safe is the use of 5-HTP

5-HTP, being a natural compound in the body, is safe for short term duration of approximately 12 weeks. However, if with gastrointestinal problems, it is advisable to speak to the physician so as to avoid gastrointestinal side effects e.g. vomiting, nausea and abdominal pains.
Also avoid 5-HTP if taking anti-depressants e.g. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) or Monoamine Oxidise Inhibitors (MAOI). Consequently people with Bipolar Disorders, those with severe depression, not forgetting pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should not use 5-HTP supplements.

For as little as $10, pure 5-HTP can be found in drug stores and health food stores. Ensure to consult your doctor first before use so as not to increase your serotonin in a negative way.
It is important to be keen before making any 5-HTP purchase since some supplements are considered impure and contaminated leading to Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome (EMS). Therefore consult with specialists for trusted brands before purchase.
Lower dosages of 50mg are recommended for starters to ease the body into taking of 5-HTP. It may sometimes take a few weeks to feel its effects but overall, a twelve week period of 5-HTP supplement intake should not be exceeded
According to researchers, pure 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5-HTP) is the safest. From L-tryptophan, it is further converted to melatonin, a Neuro-Hormone and Neurotransmitter.

Comparison with Other Anti-Depressants

Other anti-depressants e.g. Paxil, Effexor, Zoloft and Prozac work by increasing available serotonin and stimulating serotonin receptors. Despite the side effects associated with them e.g. loss of sex drive, they are very effective in the treatment of depression. They are also very expensive.
Available only by prescription, Paxil, Effexor, Zoloft and Prozac are considered drugs with Prozac being in class SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Initially developed to treat depression, these drugs are now widely used for treatment of other disorders e.g. severe headaches, obesity, sleep disorders, chronic pains, PMS and anxiety among others. 5-HTP also has the same beneficial factors with lesser side effects.
Although SSRIs and 5-HTP work differently, they both increase the availability of serotonin in the brain. 5-HTP, by biological synthesis of increased serotonin molecules, replenishes serotonin levels. On the other hand, SSRIs prevents serotonin from being taken back into the neurons thus more availed in the synapses between the neurons allowing the brain to utilize the already available serotonin.

5-HTP and Tryptophan

Tryptophan, a natural amino acid is important to the body for the production of serotonin and melatonin both of which are brain chemicals that regulate sleep and mood
As a supplement, Tryptophan has also for a long time now been used for treatment of sleep disorders, premenstrual syndrome, obsessive behaviour, depression and anxiety. Its manufacture and sale was prohibited due to it being expensive and the fact that its benefits could easily, safely and cheaply obtained by 5-HTP.

5-HTP an alternative to drugs

5-HTP is the safest alternative to drugs used as depressants. it is available in the form of 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan, 5-HTP compound from amino acid tryptophan, is more active compared to L-tryptophan thus an immediate precursor to 5-hydroxytryptamine found in the brain and the central nervous system making it essential for controlling sleep, behaviour and mood without additional side effects like those of Prozac and other alternative drugs.
According to research and statistics, depressed patients subjected to use of 100mg of 5-HTP for up to three times daily recorded improved symptom levels without any side effect. The same applied to obese patients who had significant weight losses, improved sleep patterns to those with sleep disorders and relief to panic disorder patients.

5-HTP for Enhanced Mood and Energy

The body converts ingested tryptophan, to 5-HTP which is again metabolized into serotonin, an important neurotransmitter for mood regulation, pain disorders (fibromyalgia) and anxiety level checks. Forthis reason, 5-HTP is considered a natural mood booster.
By counteracting with serotonin depletion due to age, 5-HTP ensures required levels of serotonin are maintained. This is important for enhanced mood, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects just to mention a few.
For enhanced Energy, 5-HTP is combined with phenylalanine and DHEA. DHEA has also been linked with increased stamina, libido and energy.
Insufficiency in noradrenaline (brain’s adrenaline) causes mood and energy level to decline. For restoration to initial optimum levels, natural substances of phenylalanine, 5-HTP and DHEA are taken in adequate amounts. Phenylalanine supplements also alleviate depression and improve on different mental functions.

5-HTP for Depression

Compared to tryptophan, 5-HPT is more effective this is due to the increase of ‘feel good’ hormones called Beta-endorphins after the consumption of 5-HTP by patients experiencing depression.
Generally, serotonin tends to sooth the nervous system ensuring one is contented and relaxed with long term quality life.

5-HTP for Weight Loss

Feel good hormones-Beta-endorphins are also effective in initiating weight loss. Like weight loss products, e.g. Fenfluramine and Redux, Beta-endorphins ‘fool’ people into appetite satisfaction leading to less consumed food thus offering an important alternative programme to weight loss.
Obesity is also linked to genetically induced serotonin deficiency. 5-HTP is readily converted to serotonin in the brain which causes release of cholecystokinin regarded as a satiety hormone thus linking 5-HTP to reduced food intake and weight loss.
With high levels of serotonin, one feels satisfied without the need of food intake restriction. As per carried out studies, 5-HTP lowers the number of calories eaten and assists in weight loss. For those who crave food constantly, 5-HTP is highly recommended.

5-HTP for Enhanced Sleep

With many prescribed medications responsible for serotonin syndrome and other unnecessary side effects, 5-HTP is very safe. When incorporated with diet, it is a natural sleep enhancer and reduces stress/anxiety.

Sleep disorders and insomnia can cause memory impairment, moods, stress and sometimes immunity dysfunctions. With supplements containing 5-HTP and melatonin, all this problems are alleviated
Another natural substance that enhances sleep is choline(a nutrient precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine). Acetylcholine ensures one does not wake up due to any little murmur or sound thus protecting your sound sleep. Considering it as a helpful alternative is essential for desired sleep patterns and good health in the long run.


5-HTP is also found in some foods e.g. turkey, fish, red meat or even seeds. When taken correctly and in sufficient amounts, it converts to serotonin which is a chemical compound in brain responsible for regulated sleep, reduced depression and enhanced mood.

5-HTP can also offer a life line if;

  • You lack motivation and prefer being alone all the time
  • You are irritable and angry most of the time
  • Your mind is mostly preoccupied with negative thoughts
  • You are always worried and anxious
  • You are a workaholic and control freak
  • You suffer from fibromyalgia
For successful conversion of 5-HTP into serotonin, your body needs magnesium, calcium and vitamin B. it is therefore recommended to consider multivitamins since they contain vitamin B6, magnesium chelate and taurate.
Sometimes the body might not respond to 5-HTP even after a few weeks. If this happens, consult with your doctor and do more research. Also intake dosage should be reduced if some abnormal symptoms e.g. too groggy feeling is experienced.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Top 5 Worst Foods And Drinks That May Cause Anxiety

Anxiety makes one to be fearful, worried or apprehensive. With symptoms such as; dizziness, nausea, increased heartbeat and sweating among others, anxiety affects millions of people who only link it to stress and life events not knowing that they might have been feeding it into their body systems.
The following list shows top five worst foods and drinks that may cause or increase your anxiety levels. Hopefully a follow up post will include the best foods for anxiety and stress, but that has not been written yet...

I. Caffeine

A lot of people are too much dependent on caffeine as a stimulant to jump start their day and increase alertness making them work harder and longer without thinking much on the associated side effects. According to mental disorder statistics, too much caffeine induces anxiety disorders
Caffeine as a stimulant is a worldwide legalized drug that increases heart rate and blood pressure. It can consequently cause nausea, insomnia, diarrhoea, agitation and even restlessness. Caffeine is contained in tea, soft drinks, coffee and some chocolates. The body contains adenosine which is a chemical that inhibits the activity of the nervous central system. Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system therefore competing with adenosine.
In some people, caffeine creates a pleasant feel and alertness while in others it causes panic and anxiety. Anxiety symptoms include; nervousness, sweating palms and ringing ears among others. It is therefore advisable to reduce caffeine intake especially if with anxiety disorders or if highly sensitive to adrenaline surge since it might cause racing heartbeats which triggers panic attacks.
Again, unregulated caffeine intake depletes the body of magnesium. Magnesium is essential for muscle relaxation and turning off of adrenaline. Therefore, instead of energy drinks with high caffeine content, consider taking a lot of natural water and decaffeinated coffee and tea. Also, herbal tea and dandelion coffee

II. Alcohol

Most people argue that alcohol promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety. The truth is alcohol affects mood by interfering with a neurotransmitter that regulate mood-serotonin. Other than that, alcohol contains sugars that may in the long run cause fluctuation in blood sugar levels leading to experiences of dizziness, confusion and restlessness.
At times, alcohol causes dehydration. The body needs to stay hydrated for smooth functioning of the physiological processes e.g. quick healing and removal of toxins; functions which are derailed by uncontrolled alcohol intakes. Dehydration also makes the body to work under duress, causes fatigue and muscle weaknesses which can make one become anxious and nervous the next day.
Alcohol is abused mostly by people suffering from anxiety disorders. According to research, it affects the central nervous system inhibiting the brain activity to keep the mind and body calm, this leads to long term health conditions and emotional problems
Instead of seeking relaxation in alcohol, it is advised to try yoga and meditation and supplement it with spritzers drinks.

III. Processed foods and sugars

Processed foods with high refined flours and sugars contain fructose which feeds microbes and gut bacteria. With uncontrolled consumption of these kinds of foods, a good environment for abnormal bacteria and microbes to thrive is created in the body creating an imbalance of gut flora in the existence of beneficial bacteria
After consumption of sugar, bursts of energy are experienced for short duration preceded by a sluggish and tired feeling. A condition called hypoglycemia, resulting due to dropped sugar levels. This blood sugar fluctuations cause adrenaline and cortisol hormones to be released causing anxiety and panic. Therefore, consider whole foods, balanced with proteins and starch so as to protect oneself from anxiety symptoms related to blood sugar.
Research done on rats sustained with sugary diet revealed that sugar is indeed addictive since they became anxious when the sugar diet was withdrawn. For sugar-holics therefore, try natural sugar foods, fruits and other sugar source foods with minimal contents of glucose, dextrose and fructose not forgetting gradual reduction in the amount added to tea and cereals.

IV. Fast foods and High-fat comfort foods

Fatty foods are considered so much comforting during consumption but research indicates that they are much linked to depression and anxiety.
According to Dr. Stephanie Fulton and his research, they cause production of chemical reactions in the brain similar to the one caused by illicit drugs that eventually leads to depression.
With lots of fat content, fast foods lead to obesity and mental health problems and therefore advisable to maintain a healthy diet of whole-grains, proteins, fruits and vegetables instead.

V. Yogurt

Yogurts contain acids which cause magnesium deficiency in the body. Magnesium tends to maintain alkaline balance in the body favourable for most body functions. It also relaxes muscles and turns off adrenaline secretion. A lot of acid in the body antagonizes these functions leading to tight unrelaxed muscles and high adrenaline levels thereby resulting in acid indigestion and sometimes a feeling of nausea.
Instead of yogurt or other drinks that contain acids, try coconut milk or apple juices. Green vegetable juices and Izze natural soda from alkaline mineral water and fruit juices also work best in restoration of body alkaline conditions.
Another form of acid- lactic acid, contained in some drinks crystallizes in body muscles causing soreness.It is also linked to panic attacks and anxiousness. Read product labels and choose ones without lactic acid in their ingredients.
Consider reduced consumption of above anxiety triggers and you will experience reduced rashes of adrenaline, reduced panic attacks and eventually you will slowly overcome that fear, panic and anxiety.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Best Vitamins For Stress and Anxiety

Everybody knows that vitamins are a good thing for our bodies and that they help us to function normally and properly. However, are there any vitamins that can be used to relief stress and anxiety? The answer is yes. While all vitamins help the body to produce, manufacture and synthesize the many chemical substances which are produced by our brains, there are a few vitamins which are particularly associated with the relief of stress. Other vitamins promote the production of neurotransmitters within the brain, while different vitamins can contribute to a lifting of mood. Let us take a look through the vitamins more connected to the relief of stress and anxiety.

B Vitamins

Vitamin B consists of many B vitamins, and most are directly linked to mood, stress levels and feelings of anxiety. Under the umbrella of B vitamins, there are:
  • Vitamin B – taken as a single vitamin rather than a compound of different vitamins- containing the substance inositol has been shown, clinically, to help depression and anxiety. In fact, with much fewer side effects than a prescribed course of treatment, it was adjudged that consuming up to eighteen grams of inositol per day significantly reduced depression and anxiety.
  • Vitamin B1 helps to control and balance the body’s blood sugar levels. It has long been noted that an unbalanced blood sugar level can lead to mood swings and anxiety, and taking B1 vitamins helps to level any discrepancies.
  • Vitamin B3 plays a key role in helping the brain to synthesize many chemicals needed by the brain to maintain a steady mood. In particular, it is used to produce serotonin, which is a very important substance as it helps to control anger and aggression, and can also life a person’s mood. At doses of 1k -3k milligrams per day, it can also help to reduce anxiety.
  • Vitamin B5 is used by the brain in the adrenal process, and therefore can help the brain to control feelings of stress, making it easier to maintain a constant mood, without too many ups or downs, which itself can be stressful.
  • Vitamin B12 and folic acid are vital for pregnant women, and this is because the brain used the folic acid to construct neurotransmitters in the brain, which enables clear signals between different parts of the brain. This is critical for babies who are being formed in the womb. B12 is also used to alleviate depression in fully grown adults and the links have been well studied over the years.
As one can see, it is very important to give the body enough of this particular group of vitamins, as most of them are in some way connected the production of brain chemicals, which can reduce levels of stress and anxiety significantly. Most people will take these vitamins in a compound, that is to say, as a supplement containing a mix of all these vitamins together, although it is possible to obtain and consume individual vitamins on their own, if a preferred effect is desired. Foods rich in B vitamins include:
  • Whole grain foods, such as pasta, breads and cereals
  • Turkey
  • Liver
  • Potatoes
  • Bananas
  • Chilies

Vitamin D

Recent research has indicated that many people have low levels of vitamin D in their bodies, and this can contribute to an increase in the levels of stress and anxiety. The studies also suggested that a lack of this vitamin in the winter months (our bodies can produce vitamin D from the sunlight that hits the skin) can lead to higher levels of depression and anxiety at this time of the year. Additionally, vitamin D is used by the body for a wide variety of things, such as playing a role in the maintaining of a healthy gut, and same for the livers. Vitamin D is also used by the body to help to regulate the immune system, and if there is a deficiency of this vitamin, it could weaken the immune system, leading to easier contraction of illnesses, which of course bring their own stresses and anxieties.

Vitamin C

Your body relies on your diet for the input of this vitamin, as it cannot be made by the body on its own, which is why having fresh orange juice as part of a healthy breakfast is important for setting you up for the day ahead. Vitamin C is known to reduce stress by flushing away any excess amounts of cortisol, which is a stress hormone that increases sugar in the blood, and this result can be achieved just a short while after ingesting the vitamin. Higher levels of cortisol can also suppress appetite, and prevent the digestive system from working properly, so when you do take some vitamin C, it can help to regulate an overall steady mood, preventing sharp rises and falls in mood. This vitamin has also been identified as playing a role in the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, ones which are directly connected to our mood.

Do These Vitamins Really Work?

If you were to go onto some pages of the internet, you will find some people who have been tested saying that they noticed no difference, and that some of these vitamins are not the be-all and end-all of anxiety and stress, but the majority of people report an improvement. Your own lifestyle will affect how the body is able to uptake these substances and activities such as smoking and drinking will reduce the body’s ability to be properly supplied – and make use of- some of - the vitamins you are using to try to help. If you are serious about using vitamins to help you in your attempt to lower stress and anxiety, it makes good sense to try to cut out, or seriously limit any activities which may contribute to this. Even better, make a couple of small changes to your eating habits and lifestyle to see an effect that you can note down, and actually see progress on.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Best Foods For Anxiety And Stress

For people suffering any kinds of stress and feelings of anxiety, eating the right foods is one of the most practical things you can do to combat these feelings, and studies have shown that there are certain foods that can reduce this. As important as it is to know what foods do reduce stress and anxiety, the same importance should be placed on knowing which foods not to eat. Food which has been fried, high saturated fat foods and high sugar products are all known to contribute to increased anxiety. Avoiding these types will give a good foundation upon which to work, and some of the following foods are known for their stress reducing properties:
  • Dark chocolate in moderation can help to lift a person’s mood, as it helps to lower levels of cortisol in the brain, which is a stress hormone associated with feelings of anxiety.
  • Blueberries are rich in vitamins, and a variety of antioxidants, which are believed to be very beneficial to the reduction of stress and anxiety feelings.
  • Almonds contain healthy fats, and importantly are an excellent source of zinc, which is important in helping to create a balanced mood.
  • Acai berries have a similar antioxidant make up as blueberries, and this combined with phytonutrients make it great for reducing stress and anxiety.

Other Foods To Reduce Stress

Another two great foods to help combat feelings of anxiety are whole grain foods, and seaweed. For those who can tolerate gluten in their diet, foods such as wholegrain cereal, bread and pasta are great for helping with stress. Studies indicate that wholegrain is rich in magnesium – which a deficiency of can lead to feelings of stress - and tryptophan, which is used by the brain to help produce serotonin, a calming neurotransmitter. This along with the fact that whole-grains reduce hunger and give the body energy makes eating these as a part of your diet essential. For those who can’t tolerate gluten, try adding more seaweed to your diet. Sharing many of the same benefits as whole grain (seaweed is very rich in tryptophan as well as magnesium) can contribute to a more stable mood, and a reduction in the ups and downs associated with stress. And of course, there are a great number of pages on the internet nowadays with delicious recipes using seaweed.

What Foods To Avoid

It’s all too easy to simply reach for the fattening and sugary snacks when we are experiencing stressful situations during our lives. Moments of stress are temporarily relieved by a short term high off an unhealthy snack, but the body pays the price of this behaviour. Starved of the wide and healthy variety of foods it should be getting, it instead had to try to work off all of the sugar and fat put in, which leads to more feelings of stress and increased anxiety levels. When trying to improve and balance your moods, try avoiding:
  • Frying foods. Grill instead, allowing the fat to drip out and off, rather than soaking it up.
  • Sugary and high saturated content foods are guilty of providing that short term high and subsequent fall in mood, with the ups and downs contributing to increased stress. Unrefined sugars in excess can contribute to an imbalance of the blood sugar levels, which can also affect mood.
  • Alcohol is a depressant, and can serious affect mood, so reducing your intake to a bare minimum will provide short term, noticeable results.
  • Coffee. High in caffeine, many people find drinking any coffee at all will affect their feelings of anxiety as the caffeine itself is a stimulant. Others find that up to two cups a day does no noticeable harm, it is a case of knowing what works for you in this case.

Helping to Control Anxiety With Foods

Removing some of the unhealthier aspects of your diet, and replacing them with other healthier ones is to simply increase the amount of nutrients and vitamins you consume, and as much of a variety as possible, and use all these beneficial substances to allow your body to produce the wide variety of chemicals and fluids it needs to in order to operate properly. Once you start to do this, you will notice a palpable difference in your levels of stress and anxiety. With a much more solid foundation to work from, your body can produce a balanced and clear mind, enabling us to be free from the ups and downs of moods associated with stress, and in a position to handle stressful situations with a constant frame of mind. Understanding which foods you should eat and which to avoid should be done as a trial and error, and making these changes long term to your lifestyle, will see long term results against levels of stress and anxiety. Some people have been known to supplement with a variety of vitamins, including 5htp, which may help to control anxiety and stress levels. You can find a 5htp supplement at

Wednesday 10 September 2014

How To Eat Less When You Feel Depressed

People who are struggling with depression can often get into bad eating habits as one of the results of their condition. It’s all too easy when felling this way to eat the wrong kinds of things, and many people will tend to turn to food for comfort, finding they will be snacking in between meals and opting for easy foods that are within reach, rather than go out to get the ingredients for a healthier alternative. They may also find that they will gain weight as they try to use food as a way to feel better during difficult periods in their lives, and this type of behavior can easily become a habit. These kinds of routines can prevent the body from getting all the nutrients needed to be able to properly produce, manufacture and synthesize the massive amount of substances it requires to operate optimally. The brain in particular needs a substantial portion of the inputted food through the diet to run normally, and vitamins such as B – which is used by the brain to synthesize chemicals that affect a person’s mood – and vitamin C as well as things like omega oils all contribute to a person’s overall feeling of well-being.

Finding a Balance

Clearly, eating the correct foods can help to make us feel better, so a balance between the amount, the content and the variety has to be struck. Depression can make you feel lethargic, and the thought of going out around a supermarket is unappealing to many, so it is a good idea to buy a wide variety of ingredients when you do actually have to do your shopping, things like fresh frozen vegetable and fish as well as a stocked cupboard of dried herbs and olive oils can be used to make meals which offer a greater content and variety of nutrients, rather than pre-packaged equivalent. You should also find that eating the former meal should negate the latter meal, that is to say that if you are eating a proper meal, containing the correct balance of foods from different food groups, these should fill you up for longer, and as you begin to eat better, you will feel better. Some behavior to avoid:
  • Eating high sugar and high saturated fat snacks may make you feel better in the short term, but long term increases your risk to heart disease and other serious illnesses. Have plenty of either fruit or vegetables in the cupboard to snack on.
  • Skipping a meal is easy to do for some people who are struggling with their levels of depression, as food can seem unappealing and many will sleep through their mealtimes, narrowing the range and input of food the body gets. The food we are putting in is one of only a few physical things we can do to try to lift our moods, so a special effort should be made to work from this foundation.
  • Don’t sit about all night every night; promise yourself you will do even a little exercise. Take it easy to start with then you can add on a bit more, for example, a twenty minute walk, then a thirty minute walk. You will find that this lifts your mood, and will make you look forward to your meals.

What about Natural Remedies to Suppress Hunger

There are a number of tips and tricks you can do to try to help in this area. Simple and practical things like drinking two glasses of water or having a small bowl of salad about twenty minutes before a meal will help you to eat less when you sit down to the actual main course. Snacking on apples if you are hungry in between meals is a far better choice than a fatty snack, and as apples contain soluble fibre and pectin, they make you feel full up. Some other natural ways to help you control your appetite are:
  1. Almonds. Containing antioxidants and magnesium, almonds have been shown to make people with weight management issues feel full more full compared to those who didn’t eat them, in studies conducted.
  2. Green Tea has also been shown to slow down the conversion of food into glucose, keeping one’s blood sugar levels more balanced, staving off feelings of hunger.
  3. Adding some hot sauce or hot spice to your meals will do two things; help you to eat less due to the spicy taste, and will also help you to stay full longer.
  4. Having a glass of whey protein is one of the best ways to suppress hunger. People who take some of this consume significantly less calories at their next meal compared to those who don’t have it.
  5. Coffee and its high caffeine content can, when drunk in moderation, help to suppress appetite. Two cups a day is an ideal amount, as any more can leave one felling agitated or jittery.


The key issue in the fight to alleviate depressive symptoms without exposing your body to additional weight gain seems to lie in the area of committing yourself to a basic way of eating, and adhering to it as well as you can. Using this as a base to address all of your body’s needs through diet can give you the platform to build upon, without constantly reaching into the cupboards for high sugar and fat content fill snacks for short fixes. Try to be patient and work towards a long term and permanent removal of depression, and allow your brain in particular to get all it needs to be able to properly regulate and balance the rest of you, your mental health included. Snacking on the correct foods that will help you to reduce your appetite is also a much better way to deal with hunger rather than reaching for that bag of crisps. Learning to understand behavior patterns will give you the power to modify them, and put you on the correct footing to beat depression without gaining weight.

Friday 29 August 2014

How To Control Mood Swings In Women

Mood swings can be quite distressing for a lot of women, and hearing comments such as “it must be her time of the month” only exasperates the felling of stress and anxiety. Some women seem to have a tendency or a preposition toward suffering mood swings, but it is not always down to hormones. There are many causes to mood swings, including:
  • Lack of sleep can make you unable to properly and efficiently deal with the smaller things in life, which can increase into seemingly bigger deals than they really are, resulting in added feelings of stress during the day.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol – as well as illicit drugs such as cocaine – can seriously affect our body’s ability to cope on a long term basis with the demands of life. Sure, a short term high can be gotten of these things (which always must follow a ‘coming down’ phase as well) but they will also be contributing to your over-all mood, and may well be helping to exasperate the situation with regards to mood swings.
  • Too much caffeine can also affect a person’s mood, and even though the standard recommended advice that one or two cups of coffee a day is ideal for most people, for some at least, even this can be too much. Caffeine is a fairly powerful drug, and can affect people in small doses. Try cutting out the coffee for a period of time, and note if your mood swings change.
  • Bipolar disorder is thought to be vastly under diagnosed across the world. This medical disorder may go greatly undetected as there are two extreme phases, the depressed state and the manic state. People tend not to seek their doctors help during the manic state, and can display behavior such as painting the entire house in a single day, or redecorating completely in a very short space of time. It is only during the phase of depressive feelings that they will maybe consider they need help, and don’t look at their overall behavior as part of a bigger pattern.
  • Stress and anxiety may seem an obvious thing to say, but outside events that we have no control over can influence our mood swings enormously. Other people’s behavior or failure to live up to our own expectations placed on them can cause a reaction of stress, affecting the mood of a person.

Additional Stress Factors

There are many other factors that can cause people to have a stress reaction, including work, children or the illness of a close family member. There are fewer more stressful things than having a full on career, with all the meetings and deadlines, which can cause enormous stress on a person. The ongoing meeting and even exceeding of these expectations placed upon us in the workplace can result in a person simply going through the motions, and suffering from depression. Similarly, the carers of a small child or a long term carer for an ill family member are easily prone to mood swings due to all the stress and demands placed upon them during their duties. Day after day, regardless of their own feelings, they are required to perform the same tasks, somewhat monotonously. Switching off from this can be difficult for some people, who can then be snappy and moody with their own family at nights. Added to this list can be all sorts of smaller sources of stress and anxiety, such as poor relations with neighbors, or news articles which can all affect a person’s mood in smaller, but different ways.

How To Beat The Stress That Causes Mood Swings

Some simple yet small changes can be made which can help you reduce the number of mood swings, as well as the intensity of them. Using a solid foundation which works well for you is the best way to start to beat the up and down moods, and give you a much more steady and relaxed state to be in. Small changes are easiest to make, and once you have incorporated a few, you will notice the difference, and be inspired to keep on going, and also to make other small beneficial changes. Some ideas are:
  • Ensuring you get enough sleep will help enormously, and give you a great base to work off of each day. Aim to be in bed at the same time each night, as your body will soon adjust and prepare itself at this time every evening.
  • Drinking extra water helps your body to cleanse itself of unwanted toxins and chemicals so putting the extra fluid in helps your body to do this. This contributes to a better balance within the body, helping you to feel less irritable and increased feelings of calmness.
  • Cutting down on caffeine and sugar will help to reduce mood fluctuations and promote a more stable frame of mind. Decide on a reasonable limit and stick to it.
  • Adding a small exercise routine into your lifestyle can have a tremendously calming effect on your overall mood. Exercise has long known to raise the production of feel good chemicals from the brain, so try a relaxing walk every evening, or going swimming a couple of times a week.
  • Make small changes to your diet, and aim for a balanced intake of items from a variety of the food groups. This allows your body to properly function and able to produce all the substances needed to allow you to be in a calm and relaxed state of mind.

The Menopause

This major stage in the life of a female involves the end of a regular, cyclic event in the reproducing stage of their lives, and can begin in the early to late forties. As the egg production dwindles and reduces, the hormones can be more pronounced, leaving feeling of an extreme nature, accompanied by wild mood swings. The first sign of this happening is a break in the routine nature of periods, which can become much more irregular and varied, causing vicissitudes of the hormone levels. The majority of women believe that it is a lack of estrogen in the body at this time, which is to blame for their moods, while in actuality it is the fluctuation of the amounts, which causes the problems. Sufferers can experience hot flushes, memory issues, and increased sensitivity as well as night sweats. Following the above tips and advice should help to alleviate some of the mood swings during this time, but many women feel it is better to seek advice from their doctor during this time.

Understanding The Issue

It is virtually impossible to completely eliminate stress from a women’s life, but if one learns to change the way it is handled, the effects may not be so severe. Allowing a great base to work from is one of the best physical approaches that can be taken, and the best overall way to fight mood swings, and many people see some results in a short period of time, in a month for example. Closely following these choices will all combine to help you lift yourself up to a steady and constant mood, one where the smaller things will not bother you so much, and you can deal with them as they arise. Other benefits may arise out of this routine, for example, friendships may be struck up from visits to the gym, or out walking with your dog. Understanding the issue, and more importantly how to deal with it effectively, is half of the battle when it comes to these types of afflictions. Other ways to gain a greater understanding can include things like:
  • Reading a little about the way the body works, and why each facet is affected by another
  • Read books from people who have suffered the same symptoms as you
  • Talk to friends or family about your feelings, they will usually offer tips and advice
  • Talking to a counselor will give you an outsider’s view which may open up different ideas
  • Take the time to have some peace and quiet, and reflect on some of the issues which you may find stressful. Often, ideas and solutions come to the forefront of your mind in this relaxed state.

Putting It Altogether

Armed with all of the information needed to make and sustain effective change should give you the tools needed to control feelings which can lead to sudden mood swings and changes. Many people find it easier than others to achieve this but it should be viewed as a long term, permanent change to areas of their life which many have fallen into bad routines and habits. Making so many changes at once may be too much, so for those people, making one change until you are comfortable with it and then moving on to another change, would give a greater chance of success rather than too many at once. If you have family around you, ask for encouragement and help when you need it. Keep in mind your end goal, and slowly but surely work towards it, and note all the changes and benefits you feel, to help inspire you on. For others, they will be in that positive frame of mind where all the little things you see are viewed as a good result from the changes you have made, and will be able to cope with more changes at once. The best way you can to try to control and change your mood swings is the way which is easiest for you, as the important thing is to get there, which at that time, will be a new and healthier way to live, and one where you can see and feel the benefits.